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Hello! I’m DAN Ramsey and I have been fortunate enough to build a prolific career as an author of everything from books to magazine articles to children’s literature, product manuals, advertising copy, news, marketing collateral, and more on dozens of interesting topics. I once calculated that there are more than a million copies of books I’ve written in the world — none on the New York Times Best-Seller List, but most of them still contributing to mankind’s overall knowledge. That feels good.

So I clearly realize that I’m not a famous writer, nor a rich writer — but I am a profitable writer. For most of my working life, I’ve made money with words, about 25 years of that as a self-employed “freelance” writer. With it, I’ve fed myself and my family — plus assorted friends and pets. I write because I love my job and because I love to eat. I’m a Working Writer! Find out more at WorkingWriterSecrets.com.

Back to work! 😉

–Dan Ramsey, The Working Writer
“The world needs more Working Writers!”


Dan Ramsey has authored more than 100 books, hundreds of magazine and online consumer guides, and numerous technical documents explaining complex topics in simple terms. Topics include home repair, home businesses, aviation, and RV travel. Dan is a Working Writer.